Pulling out a few tracks from an old hard drive I found – thought I’d add them to the music collection in hopes that they can serve someone here! This one is a fun little ukelele pop tune.

Pulling out a few tracks from an old hard drive I found – thought I’d add them to the music collection in hopes that they can serve someone here! This one is a happy little ukelele number.

Take A Load Off
I found an old hard drive that had master recordings of some music I created for my own podcast back in 2014/2015. I was doing a series that had this sort of analog machines sound. It featured lots of samples of tape decks and old machines used as percussion. The series was about change and…

When It Rains Warm Water
This track was recorded as part of our “Sleep Music Against Abuse” fundraiser in 2017. That project was able to raise over $700 in donations to a local women’s shelter. Thank you to everyone who took part! Now that Sounds Like An Earful is supported by Patreon, I’m really excited to be able to release…

Square Tired Bicycle
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Going Through VHS Tapes
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With Your Sunglasses On
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Home Cookin’
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To view this content, you must be a member of Sounds’s Patreon at $3 or more Unlock with PatreonAlready a qualifying Patreon member? Refresh to access this content.

The Community Jug Band
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Harmonica Hiphop
This one is from my ‘archives’ (I have waaaay too many old hard drives filled with musical ideas). If I remember correctly, it was one of the first things I recorded after buying a banjo. I was still adapting what I knew from playing guitar to the banjo, so I played over this straight hip-hop…

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