A grimy, dirty synth rock out
I don’t always know what I am going to make when I sit down to record. Often I’ll just sound design for a while until a specific sound catches y attention and then I’ll built the rest of a musical piece around that. This track was born out of the incredibly dirty growly bass that starts it. It was so offensive to my ears, I couldn’t help but love it!
As it came together, it started reminding me more and more of something you’d hear in a dark, grimy club in a Blade Runner style movie. Futuristic, in your face & covered in distorted synths. Mmmmm. This one is free for everybody to download and use, let me know if you come up with anything awesome!
There's no download button and it says this track is for Patrons only. How do I get it?
Easy peasy. Just sign up to become a Patron and support this project. Doing so will unlock a whole lot more music to you. It will also help this project continue to grow & develop new music.
As soon as you sign up, you can access this music immediately. Stay logged in to Patreon (do not sign out). Then just come back to this page and you should see that the Patreon lock is gone and you've got a download button! Woo!
What if I really like this song, but there's something I want changed about it?
Once in a while, I do get requests about needing to re-edit the length of songs to fit certain runtimes, or removing a specific instrument from the mix, etc. I try really hard to accomodate these, but unfortunately, I can't make any promises here. I have a limited schedule I'm able to dedicate to this project, so I can only do so much.
With that said, drop me a line with your request. I'll absolutely do what I can to help out if time allows! Higher tiered Patrons do get preference with these requests as a perk to their membership.
What are the rules for using this music?
Here's the short version. If you are a Patron, you are free to use this song in any project. You can remix it, you can edit it. However, you can NOT resell or claim authorship.
If you are not a Patron, the same rules apply and you can only use this music in non-commercial projects.
In either case, it is required that you credit "Sounds Like An Earful" and link back to this website (soundslikeanearful.com). You can find more details here, but that's about the long & short of it!
Do you want to see what I created using this song?
Yes! Yes! 100 times yes.
I really do love seeing what people are able to create using music that I've posted here. It always makes my day. If you have a cool project and you've used a tune from this music supply in it, please do email me a link to your project. I'll do my best to watch it and share it around!