Currently browsing: Uplifting

Walking On The Laneway
A minimal piano gesture full of nostalgia
A subtle drone with mixed emotions
Spring Feelies
Uplifting indie pop for that spring pick-me-up
The Kids Room
A fun child-like freebie with bells & flute
An bright ambient background drone for underscoring your project
Alien Tongues
An odd sci-fi vocal melody
Feelin’ Pretty Good
A bass groove that'll make ya happy.
Step Up To The Mic
An inspirational build that grows slowly with lush strings
A Little Crafting
A cute little crafty theme freebie.
Teenage Joyride
A free M.I.A. inspired beat for your next teenage joyride!
With Your Sunglasses On
A peppy pop tune inspired by jumping in the ocean with your sunglasses still on.