Pulling out a few tracks from an old hard drive I found – thought I’d add them to the music collection in hopes that they can serve someone here! This one is an epic, dreary post-rock dirge.

Lunch Break Pop Rock
Pulling out a few tracks from an old hard drive I found – thought I’d add them to the music collection in hopes that they can serve someone here! This one is a fun, upbeat poppy rock tune with a big grungy chorus!

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Future Grime
I don’t always know what I am going to make when I sit down to record. Often I’ll just sound design for a while until a specific sound catches y attention and then I’ll built the rest of a musical piece around that. This track was born out of the incredibly dirty growly bass that…

Story Of My Life
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Vampire’s Lament
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Flight Of The Drones
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They Say It’s Haunted
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To view this content, you must be a member of Sounds’s Patreon at $3 or more Unlock with PatreonAlready a qualifying Patreon member? Refresh to access this content.

Tougher Than A Bag Of Nails
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Metalhead’s Banger
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